Alta Trailer Station

Entry-level trailer station.

The Alta for racing and Dyno.

The Alta is the same basic package as the AltaCom II, but without the paging. It is fully upgradeable.

The Alta is a racing weatherstation designed for superior in-field operation. From sensor specifications and board design to the remote sensing and software; every choice has been made to provide you with stable, accurate platform you can rely on.

The The Alta can be used successfully by professional and sportsman racers in all IHRA and NHRA drag racing classes, as well as circle track and road racing teams. The Alta is ideal for the dyno – with it’s fan aspirated remote sensor which can be placed to accurately measure intake air, and accurate horsepower correction calculations.

Price : $1200

  • What Racers Say:

    "If you're running in the other lane, I'd prefer you get your weather off of the end of your finger .... but if you want to know what you are going to run before the lights come down on the tree, I'd suggest you have an Altalab in the trailer." Jeff White, Crew Chief NHRA Top Dragster