Register Your Weatherstation

Congratulations on Your Purchase

We will never share, sell or rent your personal information. We respect your privacy. Register your weather station to receive warranty and software update notices.

You will need to provide your name and serial number (found on the back of the console) to register your weather station.

You can register your weather station here or by email at

    We'll never share, sell or rent your personal information.

    Your Name (required):

    Your Email (required):

    Your Phone (required):

    Your Shipping Address (required):

    Weatherstation Serial Number (required) located on the back of console:

    You purchased your weatherstation from: (required)

    Select When We May Contact You:

    For Security:


    • What Racers Say:

      Since purchasing my Altalab weather station , I’ve won two back to back Mid Atlantic SuperGas Association Championships , Won the NHRA Summernationals , and have consistently finished in the NHRA D1 Super Gas Top10 points. Tom Goldman, SG