The J10 is an 2.25 inch x 4.25 inch aluminum panel with a 9 pin through connector for the remote sensor cable and a remote sensor cable extension. Each weatherstation comes with a Remote Sensor Cable, the J10 supplies a second. Use one to make a permanent connection between your console and the J10 Connector Panel and the other to make an easy connection on the outside of your trailer. The J10 is sized to fit in an electrical outlet box with a watertight seal (locally available).
What Racers Say:
"Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your AltaCom program. My partner, Gerald Pierce, and I won Division I races in both Cecil County, Maryland and Englishtown, New Jersey. Your software greatly enhanced our probability of winning by providing accurate weather calculations needed to properly dial our throttlestop." Craig Setzer S/ST NHRA Div 1